Tuesday, June 26, 2012

For The Love Of Cookies

     Yesterday Oreo posted the following picture in support of Gay Pride on their Facebook page ...

photo c/o buzzfeed.com

.... And people went crazy! ... Threatening to boycott Oreo (albeit not Nabisco or Kraft Foods ... people really need to do their research if they want to boycott something), bashing gays, and losing their shit over a multi-colored cookie "made with creme colors that do not exist," according to that photo.
     One of my favorite comments included something along the lines of "I'll stick to black and white. Fuck gay Oreos." Well, sir - I was unaware a cookie had a sexual orientation but it's cool if you think so ... That was most definitely one of the nice comments.
     Seriously, how can anyone boycott a freakin' cookie? You know these people are gonna wake up one night and get a cravin' for one of milk's favorite cookies and forget their vendetta against that chocolately, cream-y goodness and go buy a pack. People just need a reason to act a fool and cause a commotion over what they consider their cause (and, hey, they have every right to do so) ...
     But leave the cookies out of it.

Even Lindsay Lohan eats Oreos ... and she doesn't eat anything.

It's everywhere you look, if you look hard enough. It's really not too hard to see. Yeah, once you put your arms around it, you can never get too much. Love is a sweet, sweet thing. (Love Is A Sweet Thing, Faith Hill)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

... And Then There Were Five (As There Should Be)

     Can we talk about how I never wrote a freak-out post about this? I'm not sure how that happened ... It must have been because of the thesis-ing and graduating and working and the rushing around (which I wrote about in the last post ... see what I mean ... It causes problems!) ... But seeing as how I seem to document all things BSB ... I will freak-out in 3 ... 2 ... 1.

     And BSB are releasing a new album ... which will basically solve all the world's problems. I have nothing left to ask for ... All my prayers have been answered. Life is good. Everything is in sync. The world is at ease. 

On this perfect day - nothing's standing in my way. On this perfect day - when nothing can go wrong. It's the perfect day - tomorrow's gonna come too soon. I could stay forever as I am on this perfect day. (Perfect Day, Hoku)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What's Wrong With The World Today: Rushing. Rushing. Rushing.

     It's been a little while since I've blogged for y'all and I can say that is because I have a J.O.B. What uppppp?!?!!! I've technically had one since graduation but it's getting kind of crazy in the office because we are down to the wire for a shoot we are doing in the coming weeks ... And that's all I can say about that.
     But ... BUT ... the fact that I am using work as an excuse is the main reason for this blog post ... I have been working ten hour days and running around like a chicken with no head and have noticed that a lot of the world is doing the same. It's just all rushing, all the time.
     People need to calm the heck down. The world is not going to end, people. I mean maybe considering that whole Mayan 2012 thing ... But, it's not going to end because you didn't finish your expense report or because you didn't log some silly tape or you forgot to ask some customer if he needed fries with that or some other odd job that needs to be done before so-and-so a time. Everybody just needs to take a chill pill and calm down.

     ... And I found the best site for it - I mean at least for me, who falls asleep to nature sounds almost every night. It's called calm.com and you go to the site and do nothing. Literally. You set yourself up for either two or ten minutes of either guided or unguided nothingness ... And it's awesome. I can't say that it will change the course of your life or greatly alter your stress levels ... But if you want a little peace in your life, check it out. And if you're having a particularly hectic day at work, throw on some headphones and do a little bit of nothing for two minutes - it's better than finding out about the twelve new people from high school who are now engaged, married, or pregnant (or all of the above).
     So go ahead, take a second, stop rushing, and just be.

Before you went to work this morning in the city, well did you spend some time with your family? Did you kiss your wife and tell her that she's pretty? Did you take your children to your breast and love them tenderly? You've got to stop and smell the roses. You've got to count your many blesses everyday. You're gonna find your way to Heaven is a rough and rocky road if you don't stop and smell the roses along the way. (Stop and Smell the Roses, Mac Davis)