Sunday, August 18, 2013

ET Has A Home!!!!

     The CIA has officially acknowledged the existence of Area 51 in Nevada ... However, it states that the space has been used for aerial surveillance tests and lots of things less than alien experiments and the like. Conspiracy theories about Area 51 have existed forever so I am sure this information crushes the imaginations of millions around the world ... or simply adds fuel to the fire.

     Now that the CIA has released this information about the area's existence and it's lack of connection to aliens ... I am positive more people will begin to crawl out of the woodwork and claim abductions and probings and experimentations ... And other crazy MIB stuff.

     Let's just hope that if Area 51 is being used for anything related to aliens, those cute little guys are being treated hospitably by our government.

It started with a low light. Next thing I knew they ripped me from my bed and then they took my blood type. It left a strange impression in my head. You know that I was hoping that I could leave this star-crossed world behind but when they cut me open I guess that changed my mind. (Spaceman, The Killers)