Thursday, January 31, 2013

Smokin' Twerkin' Teach

     Carly McKinney, the 23-year-old math teacher at Overland High School in Colorado, must be the dumbest teacher on the face of the planet ... with a lot of supportive students.
     Any teacher (any person who works directly with children in any aspect) knows that there are certain aspects of your life that are just not meant for the social media sphere because sooner or later (and most likely sooner), those children will get to seein' them.

     So what inclined this woman to post this online is beyond me ...

c/o Twitter ... @KatiePatrick2

     I get that what she does outside the classroom is her business and all that ... But either way, I mean throw some privacy settings on your accounts. Or better yet, have some better judgement. I thought that once most people even entered the job market, they quickly took down anything slightly scandalous from their social media sites, especially considering the fact that more and more employers are using social media to look for/weed out potential employees.
     Even throwing that aside, this woman needs to understand that as a teacher, as a YOUNG teacher, that she makes a very big impression among the teens she is interacting with day to day. That can easily be seen in the amount of students flocking to their social media sites to support her.

     So, seriously lady ... put on some clothes, put down the joint, and grow the f- up ...

Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad. I'm hot for teacher. (Hot for Teacher, Van Halen)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What's Wrong With The World Today? - Racy Racism ... Or Is It?

     GQ magazine recently released its list of the "100 Hottest Women of the 21st Century" ... despite there still being "987 more years in this particular millennium," according to the article.
     While the list contained some common hot names such as Beyonce, Shakira, Eva Mendes, Halle Berry, and Megan Fox ... There were some surprises on it such as Seth Meyer's celebrity survey choice of Hillary Clinton, about whom he said, "I think somebody who is getting sexier every year is Hillary Clinton. Every year she seems better at whatever she's doing. By the end of the millennium, she's gonna have it locked down."

     However, that was not the real surprise ... Amongst its list, GQ found it appropriate to include the following categories:
     - Hot Chinese Chick: Zhang Ziyi
     - Hot Italian Chick: Monica Belluci
     - Hot Indian Chick: Freida Pinto
     - Hot Pregnant Sri Lankan Chick: M.I.A
     I am at a loss to understand why these women were singled for their nationalities and/or ethnicities on this list of so-called hot women, in the first place. Why weren't Beyonce and Halle Berry listed as "Hot Black Chicks" ... and why wasn't Shakira the "Hot Colombian Chick" or Eva Mendez labeled as the "Hot Latina Chick?" ... 
     OHHHHH, because those some of those might have been considered offensive. I get it. The media gets to sexualize certain women ... But if they think they'll be in hot water for other choices they make, they steer clear of those stupid choices.
     For the record, the hyper-sexualization of any race, nationality, or ethnicity is wrong. If GQ wanted to list the 100 hottest women of this (incomplete) millennium, it should have just listed 100 women straight through - not pulled some out based on their "look."
And we read in the gospel of Vogue that we're all supposed to dress and move and be visions of perfection, such a misconception, 'cause the real connection is deeper than the eye can see. What's inside of you? What's inside of me? The hands that made the moon and stars, the mountains and the seas, made you wonderful, beautiful, marvelously. Let the whole world see your true beauty. (True Beauty, Mandisa)

PS. Can you say airbrush?! I mean I know it's winter and everything but ...Beyonce is not that white ... ever. They whitewashed her like woah.