It's about time BSA. What was the hold up?
I mean I totally get that it is unthinkable that a gay boy could fulfill the requirements for those MANLY merit badges like railroading and wood carving ... As well as the requirements for the badges in essential life skills of pulp and paper making and Indian Lore.
I mean, come people, what harm would really come to your precious organization by letting gay boys hang out and learn to swim and hike and build fires with straight kids their age? Children should be incorporated into diverse communities and organizations to grow to their greatest potential and if the BSA has the best interest of their boys in mind, they would have lifted this ban years ago.
BSA has taken one step in the right direction with the lift on the ban, and now they need to go ahead and lift the ban on gay leaders - which they have not done. They need to show the children in their organization that acceptance is a key component to how their organization is run and that the actions and words of a man are more definitive of who he is than who he loves.
It's 2013. Come on, people. Merit badge for acceptance? The BSA should establish one.
You're the saddest bunch I ever met but you can bet before we're through, mister, I'll make a man out of you. (I'll Make A Man Out Of You, Mulan Soundtrack)