I'm dressed in pink. Hey, that's my shade. When I wear pink, I've got it made. My bracelets flash, my earrings shine. I'm looking good and feeling fine. I'm dressing up. Looking good and feeling so alive. I'm dressing up, got the clothes and I'm going in style. (Dressing Up, Barbie and the Rockers)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Who Wore It Best ... A Chi O, Obviously!
Hey readers, I generally don't do this ... but my sorority, Alpha Chi Omega at Rutgers University, is trying to win a contest being sponsored by Rent the Runway so if you have a facebook, can you please click this link and "like" the picture of this cutie! The picture with the most likes wins!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
This Class ... Best Thing I Never Had.
When I went to Rutgers back in the day (yes, I consider myself old enough to say that even though I only graduated 2 years ago) and I wanted to take a bullshit class, I signed up for Rocks for Jocks or Dinosaurs (yes, that existed and it was the hardest class I took in 4 years - don't laugh) ... Now these spoiled kids can take a class called Politicizing Beyonce.
WTF does that mean?
Apparently Lady B is pushing the boundaries of race, gender, and sex. I can give you a list of people in Hollywood who do that ... who DID that. I want to take a class on MJ. That would be freakin' interesting.
But, I mean, who cares, right? If Rutgers wants to pay this doctoral student to teach a bunch of undergrads about how Beyonce tells us that girls run the world while being single ladies, while never once worrying if she were a boy, then so be it, because she does it all while being loud and proud and hella bootylicious ...
WTF does that mean?
Apparently Lady B is pushing the boundaries of race, gender, and sex. I can give you a list of people in Hollywood who do that ... who DID that. I want to take a class on MJ. That would be freakin' interesting.
But, I mean, who cares, right? If Rutgers wants to pay this doctoral student to teach a bunch of undergrads about how Beyonce tells us that girls run the world while being single ladies, while never once worrying if she were a boy, then so be it, because she does it all while being loud and proud and hella bootylicious ...
For the record, if I were gonna name this class, I'd call it ... How Beyonce Backs That Thang Up ... And Changes The World. Just a thought for next semester.
Her voice is echoed in my mind. I count the days 'til she is mine. Can't tell my friends 'cuz they will laugh. I love a member of the staff and I fight my way to the front of the class to get the best view of her ass. I drop a pencil on the floor. She bends down and shows me more. That's what I go to school for even though it is a real bore. You can call me crazy. I know that she craves me. That's what I go to school for. (That's What I Go To School For, Busted)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Zac Efron ... Milk Done His Body Good.
All I have to say is ... Hot Damn, Zac Efron. You've come a long way since High School Musical, where you did nothing for me.
Waiting for this movie to come out this Spring is what will get me through these next few months full of thesis crap, internship busy-ness, and working two jobs.
Well, the flag of piracy flew from my mast, my sails were set wing to wing. I had a jukebox graduate for first mate. She couldn't sail but she sure could sing. I pushed B-52 and bombed them with the blues with my gear set stubborn on standing. Well, I broke all the rules, strafed my old high school, and never once gave thought to landing. And I hid in the clouded wrath of the crowd, but when they said, "Come down," I threw up. Ooh ... growin' up. (Growin' Up, Bruce Springsteen)
Monday, January 9, 2012
Green Bay Goes Greek
Aaron Rodgers and Graham Harrell, both quarterbacks for the Green Bay Packers, were initiated into the bond of Tau Kappa Epsilon on January 5.
They were initiated into the Sigma Xi chapter at St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin.
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Photo c/o www.tke.org |
Not sure why they decided to pledge now ... Rodgers is 28 and Harrell is 26 but I mean there's no harm in going Greek especially if you're an NFL star. I mean it's not like you're gonna end up in this situation ...
Not that I find that scene all that realistic ... But they also aren't going to get to enjoy the many benefits that pledging during your college years bring you!
One thing I did read as to why they decided on now ... and on TKE ... is that both men are already very involved with St. Jude Children's Hospital and that is the philanthropy that TKE benefits, and that Rodgers was interested in joining TKE back in college but his coach wouldn't let him because of time constraints.
Additionally, from what I understand the dude in the middle of that picture is Dan Zegers and according to the Sigma Xi website, he is the Rush Chair for the chapter ... and, being the inquisitive person that I am, I googled his name ... and according to his Linkedin profile, he does something with equipment and college scouting for the Green Bay Packers ... so he straight up recruited the two of them.
My sorority could have used a recruiter as good as him back in my day. Damn.
Now I've seen you in blue and I've seen you in yellow but only you red will do for this fellow 'cuz you are the Abbot to my Costello and you are the fruit to my loom ... Red solo cup. I fill you up. Let's have a party. Let's have a party. I love you, Red Solo Cup, I lift you up. Proceed to party. Proceed to party. (Red Solo Cup, Toby Keith)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
And The Senior Superlative For "Most Likely To Strip Her Way Through College" Goes To ...
A Colorado high school student is up in arms over the fact that her senior portrait has been pulled from the yearbook because of the fact that, well, for lack of better terms ... she done gone and picked one where she looks like a stripper.
Sydney Spies, an 18-year-old student at Durango High School in Colorado, was apparently told by the yearbook staff that while students are allowed to pick their senior pictures ... hers was too provocative and that they did not want to choose any pictures that were unprofessional and would sully their award-winning publication's image.
Additionally, school administrators backed the yearbook staff citing dress code violations as the reason for having the picture pulled.
Uhhhh ... dress code violations? Three inches above the knee is a dress code violation. A tank top was a dress code violation at my high school. This girl is wearing a scarf as a shirt. I'm not even sure what to call that.
And to make matters worse ... her mother goes out and protests with her, citing civil rights violations? That's some good parenting there. As an aspiring model and actress or whatever it was that some article said Sydney is ... it seems like her mom and her are just attention whores who are trying to get her discovered, which they did ... but in really bad taste. This picture should have been sent to Maxim or something, not been put in her high school yearbook.
I hope in twenty years when her kids fish out her yearbook and start looking through it and they get to the ad pages - where this picture is ultimately being run - and they see the giant note stating, "Congratulations Sydney! MOM AND DAD LOVE YOU!," a few baby pictures of her, and that picture ... they look at her and go, "Oh, Mommy, what were you thinking?"
The whole damn world is just as obsessed with who's the best dressed and who's having sex, who's got the money, who gets the honeys, who's kinda cute, and who's just a mess. And you still don't have the right look and you don't have the right friends. Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends. High school never ends. (High School Never Ends - Bowling For Soup)
Sydney Spies, an 18-year-old student at Durango High School in Colorado, was apparently told by the yearbook staff that while students are allowed to pick their senior pictures ... hers was too provocative and that they did not want to choose any pictures that were unprofessional and would sully their award-winning publication's image.
Additionally, school administrators backed the yearbook staff citing dress code violations as the reason for having the picture pulled.
Uhhhh ... dress code violations? Three inches above the knee is a dress code violation. A tank top was a dress code violation at my high school. This girl is wearing a scarf as a shirt. I'm not even sure what to call that.
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Photo c/o www.opposingviews.com |
And to make matters worse ... her mother goes out and protests with her, citing civil rights violations? That's some good parenting there. As an aspiring model and actress or whatever it was that some article said Sydney is ... it seems like her mom and her are just attention whores who are trying to get her discovered, which they did ... but in really bad taste. This picture should have been sent to Maxim or something, not been put in her high school yearbook.
I hope in twenty years when her kids fish out her yearbook and start looking through it and they get to the ad pages - where this picture is ultimately being run - and they see the giant note stating, "Congratulations Sydney! MOM AND DAD LOVE YOU!," a few baby pictures of her, and that picture ... they look at her and go, "Oh, Mommy, what were you thinking?"
The whole damn world is just as obsessed with who's the best dressed and who's having sex, who's got the money, who gets the honeys, who's kinda cute, and who's just a mess. And you still don't have the right look and you don't have the right friends. Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends. High school never ends. (High School Never Ends - Bowling For Soup)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
What's Wrong With The World Today? - Parents Without Parenting Skills (That's The Nice Way To Put It)
I've been blogging for quite some time now and if you've been following, you know that I am pretty passionate about media representation issues and how they affect women, so this story hit me like a brick when the Roomie sent it to me.
Be prepared because it's another story of parents and their lack of sense when it comes to raising their children to have some idea of a healthy body image.
Sarah Burge is a mother of very nontraditional gift-giving.
You may remember her as the so-called "human-Barbie" woman who, last year, gave her daughter a birthday voucher for a boob job when she turns the ripe age of eighteen.
Well, friends, she's done it again. I hope you're no longer comparing holiday gifts because you may be in for a disappointment.
This year for Christmas Burge gave her seven year old daughter, Poppy, a liposuction voucher worth about $11,000.
Be prepared because it's another story of parents and their lack of sense when it comes to raising their children to have some idea of a healthy body image.
Sarah Burge is a mother of very nontraditional gift-giving.
You may remember her as the so-called "human-Barbie" woman who, last year, gave her daughter a birthday voucher for a boob job when she turns the ripe age of eighteen.
Well, friends, she's done it again. I hope you're no longer comparing holiday gifts because you may be in for a disappointment.
This year for Christmas Burge gave her seven year old daughter, Poppy, a liposuction voucher worth about $11,000.
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Burge (far right) with Poppy (the young one, obviously) ... Photo c/o http://www.thesarahburge.com/ |
Seriously!? What is wrong with this woman? I can understand if she wants to undergo cosmetic surgery herself, but to teach her daughter at such a young age that she basically needs to change herself in order to fit some type of ideal? ... Now that's just wrong.
And as much as she tries to defend herself, there's no hope, especially considering her daughter has been quoted as saying things such as, "I think it's great because you can change yourself if you're not happy."
Aren't there already enough influences in this media-driven world telling young girls that they aren't good enough without their parents basically implying that they won't be good enough as they get older? Because that is basically what Burge is doing ... even if she doesn't realize it, or won't admit it to herself. By presenting these types of gifts to Poppy, who is extremely impressionable as a 7-year-old, she is ultimately harming her daughter's body image and her ability to form a healthy relationship with food, fashion, mirrors, men, and a slew of other things that stem from having a healthy body image.
The fashion and advertising industries alone can kill a girl's self-esteem and considering Burge is in the limelight, Poppy was going to be bombarded with images of unhealthy models and the media's portrayal of the ideal body at a young age ... So by pushing the so-called benefits of cosmetic surgery on her daughter, Burge simply exasperated a problem that could harm her daughter greatly.
It would be a lot better for Burge to teach Poppy to love herself for who she is - especially as a little girl. If she wanted to promote cosmetic surgery when her daughter was older, then whatever ... I still think it's strange as a mother to tell your daughter to change herself ... But at least Poppy would then have made the decision on her own. As much as Burge says Poppy wants the boob job and liposuction, it seems like she is making these decisions for her daughter, and that's just wrong.
Hey, little girl with your tangled hair, your tattered clothes - you're fifteen and you're about to bloom just like a rose. You’re wishing that you had designer jeans like the ones you see in magazines. Now I know you’d give anything just to fit in but your worth ain't on a price tag, it comes from within. Don’t you know you’re beautiful? Don’t you know you’re beautiful? Don’t you know you’re beautiful? Just the way you are! (Don't You Know You're Beautiful - Kellie Pickler)
Side Note: Check out this site ... Just discovered it and love it!
Body Image,
What's Wrong,
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Like A Good Neighbor ... We Provide Hookers?
This story actually broke back in May of 2011 ... but I just heard about it, as it was one the top viewed videos on the BBC news site maybe two days ago. If you haven't heard about it ... You're in for a treat.
One of the world's largest insurance companies, Munich Re, admitted to hosting a sex party for 100 of its top salesman at the Gellert Baths in Budapest, Hungary in 2007.
And then they just answered, "YAH. YAH. Very good."
Because, apparently, this party was - without the nitty, gritty, nasty details - advertised as an incentive to get salesmen to sell more insurance --- (Seriously!!?! That's even even smarter idea! Put it in the monthly newsletter!)
There are just so many things wrong with this story I can't even begin to list them ... Besides the fact that this was the equivalent to social suicide for the company ... I mean who's going to want to buy insurance from people participating in all kinds of risky business - I wouldn't ...
Then you have these girls ...
I mean, come on ladies ... I know you're prostitutes and you have a previous work record to worry about ... but being frequented up to twelve times in one night. That's just asking for trouble.
This was all just pure stupidity ... Self-gratifying stupidity... And, since the story broke back in May, those responsible for planning this Stupidity Show, have been asked to leave the company. And by asked, I mean their asses were fired.
I want to see you smile again like diamonds in the dust. The amazing sound of killing hordes, the day the banks collapse on us. Cease this endless chattering like everything is fine. When sorry isn't good enough, sit in the back while no one drives. (The Amazing Sounds of Orgy - Radiohead)
One of the world's largest insurance companies, Munich Re, admitted to hosting a sex party for 100 of its top salesman at the Gellert Baths in Budapest, Hungary in 2007.
Seeing as Germans have a need for organization, the women at the party wore color-coded arm bands of red, yellow, and white to inform the men at the party who and what they were there for ... Hostesses who were simply there to chat with the men wore one color arm band, another color was for prostitutes, and the white arm bands were worn by, presumably, uber-slammin'-prostitutes who were reserved for top salesmen and management.
To add to this, every time a prostitute was ... let's say frequented ... by a man at this little shindig, she had her hand stamped and, according to The Guardian, some of the women were ... ahem ... frequented upwards of a dozen times that night.
Now I want to know during what meeting did an Ergo executive of Munich Re sit down and say, "Yo, Heinz ... Klaus. You know what is a really good idea? Hookers. Lots of them. Best incentive for our salesmen. Just one giant orgy of a party. Who's in?!"And then they just answered, "YAH. YAH. Very good."
Because, apparently, this party was - without the nitty, gritty, nasty details - advertised as an incentive to get salesmen to sell more insurance --- (Seriously!!?! That's even even smarter idea! Put it in the monthly newsletter!)
There are just so many things wrong with this story I can't even begin to list them ... Besides the fact that this was the equivalent to social suicide for the company ... I mean who's going to want to buy insurance from people participating in all kinds of risky business - I wouldn't ...
Then you have these girls ...
I mean, come on ladies ... I know you're prostitutes and you have a previous work record to worry about ... but being frequented up to twelve times in one night. That's just asking for trouble.
This was all just pure stupidity ... Self-gratifying stupidity... And, since the story broke back in May, those responsible for planning this Stupidity Show, have been asked to leave the company. And by asked, I mean their asses were fired.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Maybe Next Time She'll Think Before She Cheats ...
A 99-year-old Italian man is divorcing his 96-year-old wife of 77 years after discovering some old love letters from which he uncovered a secret affair she had with a lover in the 1940's.
The man, named as Antonio C. by the lawyers, confronted his wife, Rosa C, about the affair ... and she admitted everything, according to London's Telegraph.
When the split is finalized the two will become the world's oldest divorcees.
The man, named as Antonio C. by the lawyers, confronted his wife, Rosa C, about the affair ... and she admitted everything, according to London's Telegraph.
When the split is finalized the two will become the world's oldest divorcees.
You would think after almost 80 years of marriage and with the affair happening over 70 years ago, Antonio would simply let bygones be bygones when his wife begged him for forgiveness ... but no ... he went and demanded a divorce ...
And, you know what I say? ... Good for him.
I think men sometimes get the short end of the stick when it comes to conversations about cheating. They always seemed to be painted as the bad guys ... but you know what, ladies be playas too, and this time, Rosa was the player and she deserves what she has coming to her. Even if she has been faithful for the past seventy years, those first ten in the marriage were equally important.
So poo on you, Rosa. Too bad you want your hubby now. Should have thought about that back in 1940-whatever when Signore Sexy came your way. You should have kept it in your pants ... or burned the freakin' letters.
SERIOUSLY LADY, do they not have Cosmo in Italy? Or romantic drama-medies? They teach you to get rid of the evidence ... The only reason you would have kept those letters for seventy years is because either 1) you're senile and forgot about them ... or 2) you've been thinking about your old flame for the past seventy years ... So, once again ... POO ON YOU!
Louis Vuitton pumps, pumps, to match the handbag, bag. Diamonds on my neck, neck, and I don't mean to brag but I worked hard for this money, hard, hard for this money. And in case you didn't hear me, I work hard for this money. Checks in the mail everyday. That's why these boys be like ay baby, ay baby. Us girls we get it in, got money just like them. Ladies, holla if you feel me. Fresh out the mall in our brand new fits. Goin' 95 in our brand new whips. Say it! Ladies is pimps, too. Say it! Ladies is pimps, too! (Ladies Is Pimps Too - Bruno Mars)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The One Thing You Can Rely On When New Year's Day Rolls Around ...
The New Year's Eve Induced Hangover!
Considering we can't rely on the Mayans to get things right ... or our resolutions to get fulfilled this year (because let's face it ... they probably won't) ... there aren't a lot of things that you can count on when the New Year rolls around, but I assume there is one thing that will never let people down ... and that is the New Year's Eve Induced Hangover.
Last night a couple of friends and I got together to ring in the New Year. We had a hearty evening of playing Pictionary-Around-The-World, Hungry Hungry Hippos (I swear that game is rigged for the green Hippo to win ... Just saying!), and Apples to Apples (Helen Keller always wins) ... Yes, I know, we go hard.
We also watched Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve special (OMG ... Justin Bieber covered the Beatles with Carlos Santana! So my world was considerably rocked! Anyone else's!?!?!? HUH HUH?!!) and I noticed something watching it ... People were freakin' sloshed.
As far as I knew, drinking on the streets of Manhattan was illegal ... but I definitely saw the camera scan over loads of people loading themselves up on bottles of champagne and other fun drinkity drinks that they could, presumably, sneak in and hide from the hundreds of NYPD cops lining the streets ... and hanging out with Lady Gaga.
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Photo c/o www.billboard.com |
On a less humorous note, as I drove home ... it was kind of sad to see the number of people pulled over by cops ... and the number of cars that were in accidents. I'm taking an educated guess and saying a good number of those were alcohol-induced issues. Totally not smart on the part of the driver ... As we all know, you are not only risking your own life ... but MY life ... and the lives of everyone else on the road who are just trying to drive home and live to see next year (if the Mayans aren't right about the whole world-ending-at-the-end-of-2012 thing).
So, anyway, for those of you that I saw on TV swaying back and forth ... not to the rockin' music of Gaga and Bieber but just because you couldn't stand straight ... and for those that couldn't drive within the designated lanes on the highway early this morning ... Although nothing is set is stone for the rest of 2012, I'm almost positive about one thing ... Grab yourself a bottle of water, three Advil, and some carbs ... because this morning won't be your best.
Happy New Year!
Bottles poppin' 'til we can't stand. We keep it rocking 'til 6 am. New York to London over to Japan. Turn it up, turn it up, mash it up. We gonna party like, party like, like it's the end of the world. We gonna party like, like it's 2012. You know that it doesn't matter as long as we got each other. Turn it up, turn it up, mash it up. It ain't the end of the world. [2012 (It Ain't The End) - Jay Sean ft. Nicki Minaj]
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