Sunday, March 31, 2013

Princeton Undergrads, Marry Each Other. The Rest Of The World Beneath You. Signed, An Old Divorced Lady.

    Ummmm, yeah, I don't know about you but I was not particularly concerned about marriage while in college (or now, for that matter). I had my mind on more important things like if I would pass my Dinosaurs class and where the next party I would be attending was happening and if my new rush crush would get a bid to my sorority and pick me as her Big Sister. Yeah, sounds superficial, but, I mean, come on ... Isn't that what most people are thinking about at 20?

     And that isn't even the biggest issue I have with this woman's "advice" to women ... I have a problem with her insinuating that unless you marry (and marry someone who is your "intellectual equal"), you will essentially be a sad, pathetic, lonely mess with no future.
     Yes, intelligence is obviously an important aspect to consider when choosing one's life partner. As it has been said, looks fade (side note - unfortunately Alzheimer's exists, so sometimes your mind fades as well) ... so you do want to be able to spend the rest of your life with someone you can actually talk to on a level playing field ...
     BUT what about those other aspects that are also important in choosing someone to spend the rest of your life with like, I don't know, maybe choosing a man who is kind and warmhearted and funny and who is nice to his mom and likes puppies and/or babies and is not a total and complete douche.
     You cannot measure a man's character by the name of the school on his degree that he has hanging on his wall in his giant mansion on a hill, like Ms. Patton would like you to do ... A man's character is measured in the way he treats the people around him. And the way he treats you. I know plenty of extraordinary men who have graduated from state schools. I know men who have gone to what some people would call "no-name" schools, who are definitely a better catch than some of the Ivy-Leaguers I know. Just putting it out there.
     This woman really needs to take a chill pill and consider how she evaluates the people around her ... and, if Son 1 and Son 2 happen to come across this blog, I apologize for bagging on your Mom. And I feel sorry for you guys because neither of you will be getting a date with anyone, anytime soon.

When somebody needs you, it's no good unless he needs you all the way. Through the good or lean years, and for all the in-between years, come what may. Who knows where the road will lead us, only a fool would say. But if you let me love you, it's for sure I'm gonna love you all the way, all the way. (All The Way, Frank Sinatra)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What's Wrong With The World Today: Bong Hit Baby

     Seriously? I have no words for this one ... Just watch the video.
     Then immediately judge Mama Bear. She's one for the Guiness Book of Worst Parents, if you ask me.

So what we get drunk. So what we smoke weed. We're just having fun, we don't care who sees. So what we go out. That's how it's supposed to be - living young and wild and free. (Young, Wild, and Free, Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Halal-ify Your Nails!?

     Muslim women around the world have been waiting for this day forever ... A "breathable" nail polish, which allows water and air to pass through to the nail bed, is now available for purchase. (If you don't know, this is super exciting because in order to complete prayers, one must complete a washing ritual which involves the washing of the hands ... and in order for that to be complete, the nails also need to be completely bare).
     Inglot Cosmetics has released a line of nail polishes called O2M - standing for oxygen and moisture - because both can pass through ... and the line is not too shabby!

     If you have tried O2M, comment below with a review. When I get my hands on some, I will definitely post about it!

Two hands. What are you supposed to do with two hands? To get the life of the richest of man. Where you supposed to go with two hands? (Hands, The Ting Tings)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Rutgers, Remember The Good Old Days Of The Medium?

     If you attended Rutgers prior to 2009, you probably remember the good old days of The Medium, which featured bare breasts and penises galore (on those very special, fun occasions, sometimes you'd even be surprised with a non-human penis). But now, when you open it, there's not a penis in sight - apparently they prefer to go the seriously offensive route with their so-call "satire."
     Now, I generally consider myself a funny person - and I know this article hits close to home - but what The Medium did not take into account when printing the article entitled "Alpha Chi Omega to Shut Down: 'We don't want to be like you ugly bitches' Potential pledges say" is that 1) in order to write an effective satirical piece you need to have your facts right, which they did not, and 2) while it may have been funny to satirize a generalized group of people (in this case, fat people, or ugly people, or whatever nasty thing they want to say), it is not okay to specifically attack actual people at the university. People with friends and classes and names (albeit they changed them). I mean, when they refer to the president of Alpha Chi, did they not realize there is an ACTUAL president of AXO who they were personally attacking that hundreds of people within the Greek community know, as well as others.
     I mean, come on. How stupid is their editorial staff? Did they actually sit down and edit their final draft and think this was a good idea? Did they think there would be no backlash? The article was not only misogynistic and sexist, it was also racist, and attacked the overall character of the women, in question.
     The Greek community at Rutgers is strong and it will always back up any member that is kicked down.
     At least the Greeks that I knew would do it.

I'm not the average girl from your video and I ain't built like a supermodel but I learned to love myself unconditionally because I am a queen. I'm not the average girl from your video. My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes. No matter what I am wearing, I will always be India Arie. (India. Arie, India Arie)