Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2 Years? Whaaaaatttt!?

     It's been 2 years since I began blogging and I've enjoyed every minute of it. I know that I can go weeks (or months ...) on end without posting but it has been an adventure, and if you are a consistent reader of my blog, I want to thank you! I don't know why you enjoy my ramblings, but I appreciate it so, so, so much. I love when people notice that I have not posted in a bajillion years and let me know about it. It makes me smile.
     So, here's to the next year and the year after and the year after that ... if I make it that far. I mean, if you are a consistent reader of this blog, you know that even though I can go a while without posting, I have a big 'ole mouth and when something irks me ... I gotta say it!!!!

I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life. And, oh, just to be with you is having the best day of my life. (Thank You, Dido)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Black Nurses Need Not Nurse

     A Michigan nurse is suing for discrimination after seeing this taped to a newborn baby's clipboard in the neonatal unit last fall:

Photo c/o abcnews.com

     For real, son?! What did the hospital personnel think would happen? - That black nurses would just see the note and pass on by, no questions asked, all hunky-dory.
     Ummmm, no.
     I understand that the manager on duty was concerned for the staff, especially after the father in question showed off his well-thought-of swastika tattoo but, at that point, if I was nurse manager on duty, I'd tell him to get his racist ass out of the place, if he didn't like how I ran my floor.
     I, of course, have a big mouth.

Night nurse, only you alone can quench this here thirst. My night nurse, oh gosh, oh, the pain is getting worse. (Night Nurse, Gregory Isaacs)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Together Let Us Seek The Heights

     If you are a consistent reader of this blog, you know that I am an active alumnae member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority - and if you are a member of any Greek-letter organization, you know how much that can mean to a person, so when I woke up yesterday morning to an email from our National Headquarters explaining that my collegiate chapter's charter is being revoked come May, you can imagine the flood of emotion that came over me.
     I cried. I got angry. I wanted someone to blame. But it was whirlwind and I didn't know where to look. The collegiate members are not to blame. The alumnae are not to blame. If anything, I'd say that the women running the show are to blame. I truly believe that once these women make it to HQ, they forget what it means to be a member of the sisterhood. And, I don't care if they don't like what I have to say - it's true, at least in my mind.
     I am heartbroken at the news that my sorority will not be represented on the Rutgers campus come Fall 2013. I am especially saddened for those sisters still active who will not be able to finish out their years as a collegiate members. The friendships I gained while a collegiate member will last a lifetime and I have AXO to thank for that, and I wish that the current sisters got the same full experience, ending at graduation, that I did.

     So, despite what the reasoning may be for revoking for Theta Tau charter, know that through it all, Theta Tau is a true sisterhood. It is not one person or one pledge class. It is not a little green house on the corner of Union Street. It is not a specific class year or a specific family tree within the sisterhood. Alpha Chi Omega, Theta Tau is nearly 25 years of women who have grown as a result of love and friendship. It is nearly 25 years of philanthropic efforts bettering the Rutgers community, the surrounding New Brunswick and Piscataway communities, and the country, at large. Alpha Chi Omega, Theta Tau is nearly 25 years of Real Strong Women. And we live to show that everyday.

If you ever lose your way, you don't have to be afraid. Look inside to find a friend who will be with you 'til the end. Many different roads to choose, searching for the strength to make it through, but it was always there in you. (Always There In You, Valli Girls)