So I've seen my share of strange and weird and lazy ... But what I haven't seen is unwanted. There was never anything that anyone could have given me as a child that I would have tossed aside and been like "No, I'm good, thanks!" but thanks to the fine folks at JesusWeen, I am pretty sure this year, kids everywhere are going to be a little disappointed when they open their treat bags and see several bibles inside.
Now, this has nothing to do with the fact that they are bibles. Same thing would go with ANY book in a trick-or-treating bag. Kids will definitely consider this a trick. What they want are twizzlers, and twix, and starbust galore ... Not a book, even if it comes with the promise of "fill[ing them] with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD," Jesus Christ. They just want to be filled with the glory of sugar and artificial flavorings.
According to their website, as the world "celebrate[s] ungodly images and evil characters," Christians all over the world use JesusWeen as an opportunity to spread the gospel, as it is already acceptable to knock on doors or toss random treats into willing participant's bags.
I can see where they are coming from ... I mean just look at these evil characters ...

... Eeeeee-villllllll ....
Cruella deVil, Oscar the Grouch, and a Bumble Bee ...
Nope, couldn't get any more evil than that.
In all seriousness though, to each his own ... if some people want to go out and prance around like ungodly (read as "ho-esque") fairies, kitty cats, policewomen, nurses, and sexy Cinderellas or evil pirates, video game characters, football stars, pimps, and gangsters ... then so be it. And if others want to knock on doors and spread the gospel and drop a Bible or two into some unsuspecting kid's candy bag, then more power to them. I say charge on, my friends.
And a Happy JesusWeen to you.
Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see. This, our town of Halloween. This is Halloween, this is Halloween. Pumpkins scream in the dead of night. This is Halloween, everybody make a scene. Treat-or-treat 'til the neighbors gonna die of fright. It's our town, everybody scream! (This Is Halloween, The Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack)
Side note: If you, your church, or your youth group would like to get involved with JesusWeen, "all you need to do is pray first, then form a group and inform [them via their] email address and [they] will provide you with further information and guidance." I believe you can also sign up, here.
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